October News from the Target Range Foundation

Our Foundation board is proud to report that we have approved just under $8,400 in grant dollars to be allocated to Target Range School for initiatives outside the school budget to benefit our school and community. This allocation was a $3,000 over what we budgeted for our entire 2023/24 school year. We were able to do this because of the success of last years’ jogathon. We also committed to fundraising for next years’ grant program. We are so proud of our ability to meet these needs that are outside the school budget and thank everyone who has contributed to the Foundation. Here are the grants that were approved for the 2023/24 school year: 

  1.  Tents for TR Tigers – A personalized tent with walls for middle school sports and any other event for K-8th. This is a great piece of equipment for school safety, team spirit, and social emotional learning.
  2. Bringing STEM to Life – Providing supplemental books and materials to go along with STEM activities in 2nd grade.  These stories are important for all different learning styles, giving the students a visual, as well as connecting each STEM lesson to literacy.
  3. Standing Display Case for Student Artwork – The Foundation offered up to $1000 to fund a permanent fixture display case that will present student’s 3-dimentional artwork.  This display case will protect artwork, offer better viewing, and help students connect to others artwork.
  4. Third Grade Flexible Seating – This grant will provide a swivel stool group work station.  This will update and rejuvenate the existing classroom environment into a more modern and innovative space for engaged learning.
  5. ROCKing and MineROLLING in the 6th grade – This grant will provide 10 different rock kits and mineral kits to provide enough materials for students to have a solid learning experience working with and identifying rocks and minerals.
  6. Energy Vibes – A 6th grade STEM education module that will engage students in learning about air flow, wind power, electricity, and circuits.  This will provide hands-on activities of exploration and discovery for students in many years to come.
  7. It’s Too Loud in Here – An initiative to provide a rack of noise cancelling headphones for assemblies, concerts, and even specials that students of all ages can access as they walk into these settings. These headphones will benefit grades K-8th. 

As board members of the Target Range Foundation, we are proud to support the school and manage financial gifts from the community. If you are interested in donating to our foundation, I would be happy to discuss any and all opportunities to support the school. The Target Range Foundation was started by caring community members before us, and we feel so much gratitude for all the support our community offers our school. Go Tigers!