I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and the other board members of the Target Range Foundation. The Target Range Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt philanthropic organization providing an avenue for private financial support in public education. Although the Foundation has been in place since 1995, it has taken a passive role in the last few years. With the help and support of Supintendent Heather Davis Schmidt, we have taken several steps to revitalize it, and I’m extremely proud of the work we’ve accomplished thus far.
Paige Judnich – President
Dave Wild – Treasurer
Linda Yovetich – Secretary
Bob Carter – Member & School Board Liaison
As the year progresses, we will provide detailed and consistent information on how we will support the Target Range Schools and how you can offer financial support. We look forward to granting financial assistance in the form of classroom grants in Spring 2021.
Grant requests and allocations will work to achieve the following at Target Range School:
Provide materials, equipment, or new learning experiences for the classroom.
Invest in our teacher’s future success through the funding of continuing education.
Furnish and equip new and existing spaces.
Thank you in advance for all your support. My hope is that the Foundation will continue to grow and enhance our children’s education. If you have any questions or would like to donate to the Target Range School Foundation, please do not hesitate to reach out as we continue to grow this amazing and exciting Foundation!
Paige Judnich
Target Range Foundation – Board President